Shoes & A Caricature

Todays topic is shoes. Also at the end of this post you’ll find a lovely caricature.

  I have devoted years to the first love of my life. And it’s strange to me that most people at school don’t understand that euphoric sensation I feel when I get into a well-worn uniform and some dirt-caked cleats. Soccer was not just an activity, it was a mindset. Perhaps it is analogous to how I now consider myself a lifelong learner; in my youth I was a soccer player. It’s even harder to explain now that my cleats seldom see grass or mud. But when that unexplainable desire comes kicking at my door, I joyfully lace up my cleats.

 I will preface this caricature by saying that this is none of my own work, but the work of my very talented brother. He has only seen Gardner in a picture I showed him so I was impressed that he remembered what he looked like. My brother would probably also be very embarrassed and say its a rough sketch, but it is still better than anything I can draw. I’m still trying to get him to do other caricatures, but for now this will do. Also my brother decided if Gardner had a band it would be named “Gardner Campbell and The Groves of Academe”.


3 Responses to “Shoes & A Caricature”

  1. 1 Joseph January 25, 2008 at 2:06 am


  2. 2 Mary-Kathryn January 25, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    I needed to laugh today Shannon, and you gave me that gift. That picture of Gardner is priceless!

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